Testimonial Category: Coaching

Coaching Testimonials

Emotional Eating gone!!!!

I juggle a full-time career while also being a mother of two. Thanks to my collaboration with Anca, my income has seen a substantial increase. I still make it a point to attend all my children’s school events and sports matches, and my home is now more organized than ever. What’s most significant is my […]

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She is awesome, and I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to heal from any type of trauma or other deep rooted emotional issues they want to resolve .

Hi all , I want to thank Anca for helping me make some significant breakthroughs in the areas of forgiveness ( others and esp. myself ) , dealing with my inner critic , self esteem, self confidence and self worth . Although I had been working on these areas through other resources prior to the […]

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Anca will change your life. I went to lose weight, but got so much more.

Like most people who are overweight, I tried every diet program there was to lose weight, only to gain it back again. It just became a way of life….lose the weight…put it back on…and repeat for years. I had no “will power” and considered myself a carb-o-holic. Anca will change your life. I went to […]

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I would like to take

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help and assistance during my hypnotherapy sessions. Originally I was a little skeptical around the process having never experienced hypnotherapy before. However, within minutes of my initial session I felt at ease and knew that with time I would be able to overcome […]

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I highly recommend Anca

I highly recommend Anca for her intuitive coaching and hypnosis! I have taken big steps with my health and self care with her help. Don’t stay stuck in bad habits! This challenging year is the perfect time to get into better health and living. Anca gave me the right tools. Thank you Anca, Ill be […]

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Anca is terrific

Anca is terrific. I was skeptical that hypnotherapy would work for me but, with her expert guidance, have had two incredible life-changing sessions. I found her to be very open-minded and interested in my history and situation and I felt very comfortable and supported while in discussion or on a ‘journey’. She is low-pressure in […]

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I would recommend this experience to anyone looking to make a positive change in their life

I was a little skeptical about the whole idea of being hypnotized. I figured it to be a load of hogwash and couldn’t see it having a positive impact on my life. After attending several sessions with Anca, my whole paradigm has shifted. She helped me to connect with my subconscious mind. It allowed me […]

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Anca knows her stuff!

Anca knows her stuff! She made me feel comfortable and safe during this process. Being able to guide me through to my subconscious was such an amazing experience. I’ve been able to overcome some really self-destructive habits and realize my full potential. I would recommend Anca to anyone wanting to get more out of life.

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Anca has had a huge impact on my life! I am forever grateful.

I went to see Anca at a time when I was desperate for help. I was suffering from anxiety, stress and panic attacks. I was taking antidepressants for years. Her sessions helped me enormously, I learned so much about myself and with her help and encouragement I overcame my fears. She has had a huge […]

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There’s no way to put a dollar value on the immeasurable personal growth I’ve experienced as a result of the coaching sessions

There’s no way to put a dollar value on the immeasurable personal growth I’ve experienced as a result of the coaching sessions. Anca has helped me listen to myself and my desires, and by serving as an external “cheerleader” when I can use extra support, she’s enabled me to be stronger on my own. I’m […]

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iHeart Radio Interview