Category: Spirituality


Karma – the cosmic justice system that keeps tabs on our actions and determines our fate. It’s the ultimate “what goes around, comes around” principle that governs the universe. But have you ever stopped to consider the irony of karma? On the one hand, it seems like a just and fair system, rewarding good deeds […]

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The Art of Collective Prayer 🙏

The art of collective prayer is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced by people of different cultures and faiths for centuries. It is a ritual that brings people together to seek a higher power, express gratitude, or ask for guidance. Some people may view collective prayer as a spiritual experience, while others see it […]

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Soul Mates versus Twin Flames

The concepts of soul mates and twin flames are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct spiritual concepts. While both soul mates and twin flames are believed to be deeply connected to us, there are some key differences between the two. In this essay, I will explore the spiritual differences between soul mates […]

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Soul Mates

The concept of soul mates has been around for centuries and is deeply rooted in many spiritual traditions. A soul mate is believed to be a person with whom we share a deep and meaningful connection that goes beyond the physical realm. In this essay, I will explore the spiritual aspects of soul mates. One […]

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Twin Flame
Twin Flames 🔥🔥

Twin flames are believed to be two souls that were originally one, which have been separated and incarnated into two separate bodies. This separation is said to have occurred at the beginning of time, when the universe was created. Twin flames are believed to be the perfect complement to one another, and when they meet, […]

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The Power Of Prayer 🙏

Prayer is a powerful spiritual practice that has been used for centuries by people of various faiths to connect with the divine, seek guidance, and express gratitude. At its core, prayer is a way of communing with a higher power and inviting its presence into our lives. It is a means of surrendering our ego […]

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Ho’oponopono Prayer

Ho’oponopono is a powerful and ancient Hawaiian practice that has been used for generations to heal relationships, resolve conflicts, and promote personal growth and transformation. The practice has gained popularity in recent years as a self-help tool and personal development technique, and has been adapted to meet the needs of modern life. The essence of […]

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Embracing the Shadow

The term “shadow” refers to the hidden or unconscious parts of our personality. These are often aspects of ourselves that we may feel uncomfortable with, deny, or repress because they do not fit with our conscious self-image or societal expectations. The shadow can include our darker impulses, such as anger, envy, greed, and shame, as […]

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Thoughts about Forgiveness

“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die” Forgiveness is the act of letting go of resentment, anger, and negative feelings towards someone who has wronged you. It involves a willingness to move past the hurt and to release negative emotions associated with the hurt. Forgiveness is not about […]

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Thoughts about Vulnerability

Emotional vulnerability refers to the willingness to be open and honest about one’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences, even if they are uncomfortable or difficult to express. It involves allowing oneself to be seen and heard, without fearing judgment or rejection. People who are emotionally vulnerable are more likely to develop deeper connections with others, as […]

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iHeart Radio Interview