Category: Relationships

Trauma is Stored in the Body and Revealed in Relationships

Trauma is a complex and multifaceted experience that leaves lasting imprints not only on our minds but also on our bodies. It’s a pervasive issue that subtly influences our day-to-day lives, often in ways we might not immediately recognize. One of the most profound ways trauma manifests is through our relationships. Understanding this connection is […]

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Thoughts about Effort, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Effort, empathy, and emotional intelligence are qualities that have been long revered in spiritual circles. These traits are not just desirable but also essential for individuals seeking spiritual growth and inner fulfillment. Let’s explore how effort, empathy, and emotional intelligence can help one become more attractive and desirable in the eyes of others, and ultimately […]

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Thoughts about Speaking Up

In many spiritual traditions, there is a belief that we are all interconnected and that our actions, thoughts, and emotions have an impact not just on ourselves, but on the entire universe. This idea is often referred to as “oneness” or “interconnectedness.” When we stay silent about a problem, we are essentially denying the reality […]

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Life is a journey … travel in style ❣️

Life is a journey, and how we choose to travel through it can greatly impact our experience. When we approach life with curiosity instead of judgment, we open ourselves up to new experiences, perspectives, and possibilities. This approach can help us find magic in every moment and create a deeper sense of connection with the […]

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Thoughts about Authenticity

Authenticity is a quality that is highly valued in the spiritual world. It is the embodiment of being true to oneself and expressing oneself honestly and transparently. To be authentic is to live in alignment with one’s innermost values and beliefs, to be genuine and sincere, and to honour one’s unique essence. Let’s explore the […]

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Thoughts about Loyalty

Loyalty is a virtue that is deeply rooted in the human spirit. It is an essential aspect of our spiritual development and a key ingredient to building strong and lasting relationships. Loyalty is the quality of being steadfast in our commitments and unwavering in our support of those we love and cherish. At its core, […]

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Soul Mates versus Twin Flames

The concepts of soul mates and twin flames are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct spiritual concepts. While both soul mates and twin flames are believed to be deeply connected to us, there are some key differences between the two. In this essay, I will explore the spiritual differences between soul mates […]

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Soul Mates

The concept of soul mates has been around for centuries and is deeply rooted in many spiritual traditions. A soul mate is believed to be a person with whom we share a deep and meaningful connection that goes beyond the physical realm. In this essay, I will explore the spiritual aspects of soul mates. One […]

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Twin Flame
Twin Flames 🔥🔥

Twin flames are believed to be two souls that were originally one, which have been separated and incarnated into two separate bodies. This separation is said to have occurred at the beginning of time, when the universe was created. Twin flames are believed to be the perfect complement to one another, and when they meet, […]

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Ho’oponopono Prayer

Ho’oponopono is a powerful and ancient Hawaiian practice that has been used for generations to heal relationships, resolve conflicts, and promote personal growth and transformation. The practice has gained popularity in recent years as a self-help tool and personal development technique, and has been adapted to meet the needs of modern life. The essence of […]

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iHeart Radio Interview