Author: Anca Uni

Loving Someone for Who They Are

A Journey of Mirrors and Self-Reflection In the grand adventure of human relationships, love stands as one of the most profound experiences we encounter. When we fall in love with someone, we often think it’s about the other person — their kindness, their beauty, their intellect, or their spirit. We admire them for who they […]

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The Vagus Nerve and Trauma | Unlocking the Healing Potential

Trauma is an all-too-common experience that leaves lasting imprints on both the body and mind. Whether it’s from a single traumatic event or prolonged exposure to stress and adversity, trauma can deeply affect our nervous system, leading to chronic stress, anxiety, and a host of physical and emotional symptoms. One of the most critical players […]

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Trauma and the Immune System

Understanding the Connection and Its Impact on Physical Health Trauma can have profound effects on both mental and physical health, and one of the critical areas impacted is the immune system. Understanding how trauma affects immune function can provide insights into the broader implications of stress and trauma on overall physical health. Let’s explore the […]

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Things You May Grieve When You Start to Heal | Understanding the Hidden Losses of Emotional Recovery

Healing is a journey of rediscovery, renewal, and, sometimes, deep grief. As we start to heal from past wounds, we often uncover layers of loss that we hadn’t fully acknowledged before. These hidden losses can come from time spent in unhealthy relationships, missed opportunities, or the pain of unmet needs. Recognizing and grieving these losses […]

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The Wounded Tree – Healing from Trauma

The forest was silent, save for the occasional rustling of leaves as a gentle breeze made its way through the canopy. In the heart of this forest stood a tree, not unlike many others around it, yet it bore a story unique to itself. Its trunk was thick and sturdy, but closer inspection revealed the […]

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When You’re Finally Ready to Heal and Create the Biggest Positive Shift of Your Life, You’ll Begin to See Everyone as Your Teacher

Healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s a process of peeling back the layers of our experiences, emotions, and beliefs to reveal the truth of who we are. But what happens when you’re finally ready to heal? When you reach that pivotal moment where you decide to create the biggest positive shift in your […]

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Embracing Pain to Overcome Addictions

Addiction is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s substance abuse, compulsive behaviors, or even unhealthy emotional patterns, the root cause often lies in an attempt to escape pain. This post delves into the concept that all addictions reduce to some form of not wanting to feel pain. We will explore […]

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Breaking Free from the Inner Prison

The Importance of Facing Your Anxiety In the hustle and bustle of modern life, anxiety has become a common companion for many. We often seek ways to numb this anxiety, using distractions, temporary comforts, or even denial. While these methods may provide momentary relief, they contribute to constructing an invisible inner prison. This blog explores […]

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You Never Change the World You’re In

The Power of Inner Transformation The idea that “You never change the world you’re in; you change to a world already reflective of the change you’ve made in yourself” resonates deeply with anyone on a journey of personal growth. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, this powerful concept serves as a reminder that […]

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Trauma is Stored in the Body and Revealed in Relationships

Trauma is a complex and multifaceted experience that leaves lasting imprints not only on our minds but also on our bodies. It’s a pervasive issue that subtly influences our day-to-day lives, often in ways we might not immediately recognize. One of the most profound ways trauma manifests is through our relationships. Understanding this connection is […]

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iHeart Radio Interview