Sound Bath and Energy Healing Registration

Sound Bath
  • Comfortable Environment: The session will likely take place in a quiet, calming space, often with dimmed lights and comfortable seating or mats for lying down.
  • Intention Setting: The practitioner might guide you through a brief meditation or visualization to set an intention for your session. This could be anything from stress relief to increased creativity.
  • The Soundscape: Each crystal creates its own unique sound, and the practitioner will combine them to create a layered soundscape that washes over you. The tones may be gentle and calming or more dynamic and stimulating.
  • Feeling the Vibrations: As the sounds fill the space, you’ll likely start to feel gentle vibrations throughout your body. This is the sound waves interacting with your physical form.
  • Deep Relaxation: Most people experience a profound sense of relaxation after a sound healing session. You might feel lighter, calmer, and less stressed.
  • Emotional Release: Sometimes, sound healing can bring up emotions that were previously suppressed. This is a normal part of the healing process, and the practitioner can help you navigate it if needed.
  • Increased Awareness: You might feel more connected to your body and have a heightened sense of inner peace and well-being.
  • Individual Experiences: Everyone reacts differently to sound healing. Some people might experience vivid visualizations or even feel like they’re traveling through different landscapes. Others might simply feel deeply relaxed.
  • Non-invasive and Safe: Sound healing is a non-invasive and safe practice for most people. However, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns, especially if you’re pregnant or have certain medical conditions.

Date: Thursdays 7PM – 8PM or Saturdays 1PM – 2 PM

Location:  Ajax Public Library Main Branch room D (55 Harwood Ave S, Ajax, ON L1S 2H8)

Investment: Click here for details on packages and options.

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