Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Program

  1. Temporary Solutions: Diets frequently lack an emphasis on the enduring lifestyle changes necessary for sustainable weight reduction. Many diet plans are short-term, making them challenging to maintain in the long run due to their restrictive nature or the complete deprivation of favorite foods.
  2. Obsessive Eating: Some diets require calorie counting, portion measurement, or the exclusion of certain food groups, which can intensify our preoccupation with food and eating. This can diminish the joy of eating and lead to increased cravings, fostering a cycle of diet-overeat or binge behavior.
  3. Neglecting Emotional Aspects: Many diets rely solely on willpower and neglect the emotional factors driving overeating. Chronic overeating or bingeing may be linked to early life trauma, emotional distress, or low self-esteem. Addressing these underlying emotional issues is crucial for permanent overeating habit transformation.
  4. Yo-Yo Dieting: Frequent cycles of weight loss and regain can disrupt metabolism, causing the body to store fat and burn lean tissue when calorie intake is reduced.

iHeart Radio Interview