Day: April 25, 2023

A mistake repeated more than once is a decision

We all make mistakes, that’s just a part of being human. But what happens when we continue to make the same mistake over and over again? At some point, that mistake stops being just a mistake and becomes a decision. As the old saying goes, “a mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” It’s […]

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Thoughts about Self Analysis

Self-analysis is a tricky business. It’s like trying to tickle yourself – it’s never quite as fun as when someone else does it. But, like a good tickle, self-analysis can be insightful and even therapeutic. So, let’s dive into the murky depths of our own psyches and see what we can dredge up. First, let’s […]

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Don’t face reality, CREATE it!

Reality can be a pretty daunting thing. Bills, deadlines, responsibilities – it’s enough to make you want to crawl back under the covers and pretend it doesn’t exist. But here’s the thing: reality doesn’t have to be something you face. In fact, with a little bit of creativity, you can create your own reality. Now, […]

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iHeart Radio Interview